Friday, January 05, 2007

Media Monkey 2.5.4

We’re going to climb out on a limb a
bit and spotlight the MediaMonkey. As
our digital music collections grow, we
want this software on our machines.
MediaMonkey is better than anything
we’ve used for browsing, mass tagging,
converting, and playing large libraries.
From the way it lets us search and tag files
to the way it segregates incomplete tags
and dupes for editing, this program
knows how music nuts work with their
collections. The Monkey’s interface is a
bit scruffy (for example, the player window
and some type can be exceedingly
small), but for burning, tagging, and
shuffling thousands of tracks and albums,
this primate swings.

Media Monkey 2.5.4
(Free [Standard], $19.95 [Gold];